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Client Coach Advocacy

Often our clients are overwhelmed by conditions and circumstances necessitating decision making around difficult healthcare or lifestyle issues: the loss or impending loss of a significant other, a terminal diagnosis, life-threatening surgery, or other major challenges for themselves or someone they love.


What Does a Client Coach Advocate Do?

  • Use a coach-approach to providing support

  • Help clients through difficulty healthcare challenges

  • Increase self-efficacy through education and support

  • Support clients in their own self-advocacy through more empowered engagement in their own healthcare decision-making process

  • Support clients through ongoing coaching for accountability, education, and support

  • Work with families or other support team members on the behalf of the client


It is very hard to walk some healthcare and lifestyle paths alone. Our Client Coach Advocates help our clients to have a partner in that process.



Psychology Patient

Initial Coach Advocate Session

Clients book this session to discuss current healthcare or life challenges impacting their wellbeing.

Nurse with Patient

Coach Advocacy Program

This program is for clients who require ongoing education, support, and coaching.

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